Under Eye Armour

Over the years my complexes have come and gone - from the acceptable to the damn right insane. I like to think as I'm settling into my own skin and starting to having a better understanding of who I am and all that good stuff, my issues with my appearance are few and far between! Nonetheless since I can remember one of the main issues I've had and problem areas for me has been the discoloration under my eyes ... DAMN YOU DARK PIGMENTATION!

I've been dabbling with makeup from an early age, like most girls it was when I attended high school. And at the tender age of 11/12 I began making awful decisions about makeup because I didn't have the knowledge I do now. And at the time of my schooling social media, blogs and YouTube weren't heard of. So the access we have now to helpful knowledge wasn't a thing back in the day, you copied your friends, your peers, your parents and you were limited to the information produced in magazines.

I'm getting off topic ... My under eyes! I've always wanted them to be covered, to be highlighted and to not make me look like I've not slept in years. Growing up I thought using lighter products paired with layers of heavy duty foundation would help me acquire the results I wanted. This as pictures now show, didn't work and could more often than not, make the discolouration under my eyes worse, or an off grey colour.

I couldn't understand why the products I was using and the money I was spending weren't working! I was following all the advice I was being given, using foundation and a concealer and setting my base. Up until around 3 years ago, I learnt about colour correcting. And I cant for the life of me remember who it was I learnt the information from. It will either have been Lisa Elridge or the Pixiwoo Sisters!

Basically, to correctly cover over discolouration on your skin you need to use a product to colour correct! So in the case of my dark under eye, I now use a peachy corrector. The warm colours of the peach cancel out the darkness under my eye. ITS AMAZING! Gone are the day of looking like I've not slept in weeks, or looking like I've been punched in the face, and being scared of wearing dark eye makeup, as I didn't want to enhance the dark pigment under my eye.

The product I use is the Bobbi Brown Creamy Corrector in Peach Bisque! I love it! Love Love Love it! So my layering consists of my foundation, then I use my index finger to apply the corrector to my under eye then using a damp Beauty Blender I blend the product into my skin. You can see the difference immediately and it lifts my entire face! I then continue to use a concealer to highlight the under eye.

I keep going back to the product as it is heavy duty, which I like! It does crease, yet it doesn't stop me going back to it. For me the creasing element of the product is the lesser of two evils. And on days when I have the time to take extra care in my makeup application I do try to control how high I take the corrector to reduce the amount of creasing. It's a blendable' product, its buildable, it doesn't go cakey, it sits extremely well on any foundation. I love it! Its literally changed my life. And its one more crazy complex taken care of!



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